Chapter I

The Big Bang

The Origin of the Universe [i]

Cosmologists now accept, in this first quarter of the twenty-first century, that the universe was created by an infinitely small and infinitely dense mass that was dispersed by a Big Bang. These conclusions are based on the data gathered by the Hubble and Kepler Telescopes, launched in the late twentieth century. The Big Bang expelled hydrogen and helium into empty space. Particles on the exterior were given acceleration greater than particles near the center. The hydrogen and helium were attracted by the force of gravity and created nuclear fusion reactors known as suns or stars. Heavy metals were also thrown into empty space and were attracted to each other by the force of gravity, forming planets, asteroids and other cosmic matter, and thus forming galaxies.

The Universe [ii]

Thus, the universe is expanding at an increasing rate with the outer galaxies traveling faster than near galaxies, forming asymmetrical shape (egg shape). From our observation point – the Hubble Telescope – galaxies can be determined by their direction and distance by use of the Doppler Effect. As with sound waves, light waves exhibit this Doppler shift.  If one were standing on the platform of a train station and a fast moving train was approaching from a distance with its whistle blowing, the frequency of the sound wave would increase, raising the pitch of the sound as the train approached the viewer on the platform, and it would decrease in frequency and pitch when moving away from the viewer on the platform. When a galaxy is moving away from the observation point, the frequency of the light wave will decrease into the red light band. If the galaxy is moving towards the observer, the frequency of the light wave will increase to the blue light band. Thus, the direction and velocity of the galaxies has been determined.

The Life Cycle of Suns and Stars [iii]

The suns and stars that form the galaxy systems are created by the gravitational attraction of hydrogen and helium. They, in turn, attract the collected matter, forming a solar system consisting of planets, asteroids, comets, etc. The suns and stars will live out their lives as long as there is hydrogen to support the fusion reaction. The forces, due to gravity and fusion energy, are equal and opposite to each other, giving the sun equilibrium in size, until the sun deceases in size due to the depletion of hydrogen fuel. Gravity will then dominate and attract the remaining material into dark matter millions of times more dense than the sun.  If the sun is large enough, there will be a reactionary reaction and the sun will explode with great force, which is known as a Super Nova. The Super Nova (New Life) will repopulate itself many times over, creating new galaxies. Like biological plants on Planet Earth, galaxies have a birth, life and death and, on their deaths, they repopulate themselves many times over. The result is dark matter that is millions of times more dense than the preexisting sun, and it will provide a gravitational net that will keep the new galaxy together.

Life on Other Planets [iv]

Looking at a small section of the universe, the number of galaxies in the universe can be estimated, and it is estimated that there are about 400 billion galaxies existing at this point in time. [v]  Because planets do not emit light, these dark spots crossing in front of the suns can be observed and the size and orbit of these planets can be determined. [vi] It is estimated there are about four billion planets orbiting a sun in the Goldilocks Zone (not too hot, not too cold) and not too big and not too small, where water combined with amino acids can create life that will rapidly reproduce itself and can evolve and be advanced by creation, as it has on Earth. [vii] Paleoanthropologists have traced the evolution of ancient man to the primates, who in turn, had their origin in the ocean. However, there is no history of an evolution of the skull of ancient man (Australopithecus sediba) to the skull of the modern man (Homo species), leaving an opening for the creation of the brain of modern man by the Creator of the Universe. Although ancient man and modern man have identical bone structure from the neck on down, their skulls and thus brains are much different. [viii]

The evolution/creation of the homo species (modern man) could then take place as it has on Earth, beginning with nomadic hunters and gatherers as the planet warms, making the transitioning to agrarian societies possible. That planet would then, with the development of cities, roads and easy communications between the social hubs, be due a visit from the Representative of the Creator of the Universe (RoCoU), as the next step in this evolutionary process. The RoCoU would then teach them how to live successfully on this created Planet Earth; how to get their physical needs met on this planet, how to live with each other and how to live with other developing nations. [ix]

The Arrival of the RoCoU and the Guiding Spirit

The Guiding Spirit, provided by the Creator, shows evidence of being in the world with the creation of modern man’s brain. Socrates stated that he “was guided by a spirit that kept him from making mistakes.” Socrates was known as the wisest man of his time because he knew that he did not possess wisdom and relied on this Guiding Spirit for wisdom. [x]  The RoCoU arrived on planet Earth in the form of a seed planted into a virgin, giving Him the form of modern man. [xi] He arrived in a place and time that made it possible for His instructions to be passed to all the places on the planet. [xii] His parting command to His disciples was to pass onto the world what He had taught them while He was on planet Earth. [xiii]  He told his disciples that when He returned to His home, He would send them His Personal Counselor to guide them and teach them all that they needed to know. [xiv] He explained to His disciples that this planet Earth would come to an end like a bolt of lightning, [xv] which certainly follows the birth, live and death processes of the suns in the universe. The universe and Planet Earth are estimated to be 13.5 billion years old. Our sun is estimated to have four billion years of hydrogen fuel remaining before it implodes and likely explodes in a Super Nova, giving life to a new galaxy. [xvi]

The RoCoU needed to change His body into a form that would allow him to travel to His home in the universe. This is the reason for Him being crucified until dead, buried in a tomb, and resurrecting from the dead in a form that would allow Him to go to go home or to His next assignment on a different planet in the universe, to elevate the evolved/created modern man to the next step in this process. It’s interesting to speculate on how the RoCoU traverses the universe. The speed of light presents a barrier for particle accelerators. As accelerated electrons approach the speed of light, the electrons gain mass and slow down. Therefore, the new body form of The RoCoU must be able to transverse the universe at speeds in excess of the speed of light. At this point in time, the farthest galaxies are estimated to be 400 billion light years in distance (the distance a corpuscular light wave can transverse in one year from planet Earth).  Therefore, there must be other laws of physics that can be applied once on the other side of the “Speed of Light”.



[i] Steven Hawkins, “The Universe”, Steven Hawking’s University, Pub. British Broadcasting Corporation, 1997, PBS; Stephen Hawking, “Genius” Pub. Bigger Bang Communications LTD, 2016, PBS.

[ii] ibid

[iii] ibid

[iv] ibid

[v] ibid


[vii] Ibid i

[viii] NOVA: Dawn of Humanity DVD,


[x] /

[xi] Luke 2:1-7 The Bible

[xii] Explores Class, Cedar Grove Community Church, Livermore, CA, ca 2016

[xiii] Matthew 28:20, The Bible

[xiv] John 14: 26, 15:26, The Bible

[xv] Matthew 24:27, Luke 17: 24, The Bible

[xvi] Ibid i